Ishank Gulati BTech student at Malaviya National Institute of Technology


In this project I have cloned Pong game released by Atari Incorporated. I have written this game in C++ using SFML. To learn SFML you can follow these tutorials.


SFML is a modular library which provides the base technical building blocks to build your game or game engine on top of, including platform agnostic system classes, input, audio, networking and 2D graphics. SFML is written in C++ and the source is hosted in this Github repository.


You can have a look at my code here. To try the game simply download Game folder from this link.

How to run

Just run the executable in the Game directory. Use left and right arrow keys to move the paddle and down arrow key to stop it.

Additional Dependencies

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015. You can get it here.


Artwork and sound effects has been take from


